lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019


Seviche, ceviche or cebiche, is perhaps one of the most recognized typical dishes it has in Peru; and although its origins are still unknown and disputed by others, it is a culinary delight that has been prepared for many years, making it a representative of Peruvian food.

It is not known exactly what the beginnings of the cebiche were, but several theories are supported that make use of the name, place and even ingredients that were changing as new cultures were involved with the preparation of this traditional dish.
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It is believed that more than 2000 years ago on the Peruvian coast, the Mochica culture prepared a dish based on fresh fish, which was cooked with juice from a local fruit, called tumbo; then in the time of the Incas, the fish was macerated with girl, and it was until the arrival of the Spaniards when the ingredients we know today in the ceviche were added: the lemon and the onion.
According to the historian Javier Pulgar Vidal, the word "seviche" comes from "siwichi" which is a Quechua terminology that translates as fresh or tender fish. Other versions are also discussed as "cebiche" from the word bait, used to refer to a delicacy or food.
Turning to other languages, it is suggested that ceviche comes from marinade, which is a word of Arabic origin; Likewise, the historian Juan José Vega describes “seviche” from “sibech” which is another Arabic word, and its use is also directed towards acidic food, which tells a story about the arrival of Pizarro and some Moorish women They added sour oranges and then lemon juice to the fish.
Despite having spent a lot of time since the knowledge of these ways to prepare the cebiche, the same ingredients remain, such as: white fish in pieces, red onion in julienne, lemon juice, chili, chopped coriander and salt.

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